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Cadbury Bournvita Chocolate Health Drink Jar, 1kg

This is a Vegetarian product. NW Strong bones: phosphorus - building blocks for normal bone development, vitamin d - helps absorb calcium from various foods Strong muscles: protein - helps in muscle building and muscle repair Active brain: iron, folate, vit b12 - essential for blood formation and maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system, iodine - aids normal brain development and functions

1. Is Cadbury Bournvita suitable for 4 years plus kids? - Yes, people of all ages can drink this product. 2. What are the ingredients in Cadbury Bournvita 5 Star Magic? - Cereal extracts, sugar, milk solids, maltodextrin, caramel color, cocoa solids, emulsifiers, vitamins and minerals. 3. How Bournvita L’il champs helps in toddler’s growth? - It contains Nutri smart DHA and other essential nutrients that aid metabolic functions and help in toddler's growth. 4. Is Bournvita beneficial in weight gain? - It is a health drink, can be used as a nutritional supplement to improve overall health.
₹ 390.00 (₹ 39.00 / 100 g) BUY ME