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DABUR Tulsi Drops- 50% Extra: Concentrated Extract of 5 Rare Tulsi for Natural Immunity Boosting & Cough and cold Relief: (20ml +10ml Free)

  • Dabur Tulsi drops is made from the goodness of five rare tusli which has antioxidant properties
  • It helps boost immunity
  • It has antimicrobial properties and is good for skin, liver and joint health
  • It provides relief from cough and cold
  • Usage Direction : 5-10 drops, (2-3 times a day ) or as directed by physician
  • Dabur Tulsi Drops has antioxidant properties which helps boost immunity .It helps provide relief from cough and cold & helps in relieving mucus . It has antimicrobial properties . It contains the extracts of 5 rare tulsi which has a lot of benefits . The intake of tulsi is the best way of intestine cleaning. It also helps in stress management .It is good for skin, joint and liver health .

₹ 156.00 BUY ME